catamp with PS.jpg (8363 bytes) Cat_wPS.gif (81960 bytes)

Finally, a very reasonably priced scan unit has been introduced to the market and it is modular and simple to install; PLUS it has scan capabilities beyond any unit available until just a few years ago.  Its performance is double that of the General Scanning G100D's that were the workhorses of the industrial, scientific, and entertainment markets for so many years. The scanners can be used in many applications with our software packages. Laser Entertainment shows are a primary use as is exhibition promotion and point-of-sales display. They can also be used in many laser industrial and scientific projects.

How good are they?  Well, ILDA thought it was such a significant product breakthrough that it won the Technical Award at the 1997 meeting.  At the 1998 international meeting of world laserists, a demonstration was made of the new improved version scanning the high speed 30K ILDA pattern:  faster, more accurately and more linearly.  The CatWeazle won again the Technical Award for this outstanding cost effective engineering breakthrough.  Designed using Swiss watch-maker components and ruby bearings, you can expect a lifetime far beyond their one-year warranty.

How good will your scanning look?  Well, an extremely knowledgable ILDA President did not believe the scanned images he was seeing were not from Cambridge 6800's until he closely examined the scanhead!

CATWEAZLE ®- Scanners


Low cost closed loop scan unit for small laser display projectors. Complete set comes with XY galvanometers, mount, high-power mirrors, and driver electronics for 2 channels. Preadjusted for optimal speed output.

Technical Data:

Scantype 2x Closed Loop Mirrors (XY) with optical Feedback
Optical angle 40° max.
Max possible points 30.000pps ILDA at 7° Optical
Mirrors Dielectric Enhanced Aluminum,  5 x 9 mm Aperture
Signal Input voltage +/- 10V
Power requirements: Easily Switchable from 110/220 VAC
Complete Module: $1025 w/ integral 120VAC power supply

Be sure to check out the review of this technical award winning scan engine in the Laserist magazine.

Use them with diode lasers, DPDSS greenies, He-Ne's and ion lasers.  They are excellent for use in the design of remote fiber-fed heads.   We will construct them in any configuration you require.  US varianced and integrated diode units are available.  These scanners are excellent for lasers up to about 6 watts, especially Laser Power Green YAGs.  It is recommended when using an IR-pumped laser that an IR filter be used to keep these wavelengths out of the position sensors.

        Download CatWeazle Specifications in Acrobat format

        Download CatWeazle Dimmension Drawings in Acrobat format

      1997 and 1998 Technical Award     
3-Scanner Cat with blanking:   $1795 3CatBlank.JPG (56101 bytes)
        WOW! A fully integrated economy Green Laser Graphics Package based on Herr Weazle and Pangolin's LaserShow Designer2000:  
The Cat's Meow

CatWeazle Running at 30,000 Pts/Sec with LD Intro Software 8 Degrees Optical
cat_test_wGlass.JPG (24117 bytes) apple1_Cat.JPG (20217 bytes) ilda30kcatlc2.jpg (10707 bytes)
cat-train.jpg (8137 bytes) lm30k_cat.jpg (15067 bytes)

Catweazle is registered trademark of es-Lasersystems Germany, 1997

[Dividing Line Image]

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Last modified: January 06, 2000